Monday, September 28, 2009

Sept 28th

Today we met up with Joe. We worked on our time sheet so that we can turn it in by today. What we also talked about is the conceptual map that we all came up with and Chas created. We also read some articles that Diana had just emailed us. We also came up with the two hypotheses that we thought stood out the most. The two hypotheses talks about disagreements between the churches principles, its religion, and how it affects the youth. The Tensions has the youth turn to drugs and alcohol having it take control over our Marshallese youth, which creates more negative vibe, and tension amongst the Marshallese Community. As a group we thought these are the most important ones because it mentions what is happening with our Marshallese Communtiy in one paragraph.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


On the 27th of this month I read some of the article that Diana had sent to us at home. What the article is mentioning is how to write outlines. It gives ideas on how we should label our information, how we should format it and putting down the most important information down. The article aslo mentions exlopring and documenting issues. I thought I would take notes on the ones that I thought were most important.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sept. 26th

Jos and I attended a Pacific Islander Festival down in San Deigo. We had Leilani pick us up, which we had met for the first time. She was a nice person. We talked to her about our 1akwe project, she thought it was a great idea, and that she as well wants to be a part of the project. She also mentioned that for a young age, its great that we start being involved with the marshallese community. When we finally got there, we met anty Lola who we worked for as interns over at her booth. She had Jocelyn, Chas, and myself explain to people of the islands about certain health issues, pacific islanders face on a daily bases. There were informations in different languages from the islands. Aunty Lola aslo introduced us to these Marshallese kids that were adopted by an Amercian family. The kids named were Almon, Issaiah and 3 other younger kids. They told us we were the first Marshalleses people they've met so far here in California. They told us about a little about themselves. Jos, Chas, and myself thought that its great that they get to live here in California, because now they have many opportunities here, they all have a greater chance in having a better education.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sept. 25th

I recieved a survey that Diana had sent to me. What the the survery based on is our academic goals for college. I'm glad i got to do this survey because it has got me thinking ahead of my future. It's getting me prepared for my classes that I'm sure I'm going to take and help me for my future career which is becoming a nurse. Being a nurse has been something I've always wanted to become ever since I was ten. I want to be able to help others with their needs, and health. My main goal right now in order for me to achieve that dream is focusing on my education.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Today we had a phone conference with Diana. What we mainly discussed was the ten hypotheses we came up with. We also brained stormed about the Marshallese communty.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sept 20th

On the second day which was the 20th of the Island Festival, My group and I pretty much did the same thing, except this time we were not selling but giving out surveys, about the health of our islander people. Our goal was to give out at least 15 surveys, but we it actually turned out that we gave out over 15, which was great.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Today my group and I met at the Pacific Islander Festival over at Huntington. Jocelyn Chas and I helped out with the Ocapica Booth. Our job was to walk around the festival selling tickets. The money we sold went to scholars, for college. The good thing about selling those tickets was we got to meet new faces and friends. It was great that our islands helped out with the Ocapica Booth and it was awesome they took the time to hear us out. Although it was hours and hours of walking under the sun, i can say it was worth it, because Jocelyn, Chas and I sold a large amount of tickets. What i'm most proud of is we worked seven hours,ten A.M to five P.M which is great. We're hoping to do the same tomorrow.

Friday, September 18, 2009


On Friday the 18th Jocelyn and I worked on our hypotheses. She and I wrote down six hypotheses explaining the youth of the Marshallese Community and the Church separation. We gave it to Joe and Jay to check it, and realized She and I needed to add more to it. The main thing Jocelyn and i needed to do was explain our hypotheses by being formal, using, who, what ,where, when, and how. Although we thought it would be easy, little did we know, we spent at least three hours working on our hypotheses, and still she and I needed to add more to it. As we looked through our mistake we realized what we were missing, and it was the whole point of our hypotheses, and it wasn't just mentioning the church but the youth and their health. The third time Joe had explained to us what we should add to our hypotheses and erase what was not needed, we finally got it. We are still in the process of writing our hypotheses, and I am sure it will turn out to be a great success.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sept. 17

On the 17th of September I read the article by Trisha Greenhalgh on how to write hypotheses and samples. I realized how the article would mention the words systamtic review multiple times. systematic review means having information in order and having it given to you.The task of systematic review refers to as drawing up a list of standard up judgement working together as a group.I decided to highlight some sentences with the yellow meaning, i had questions about, and the color pink, meaning i did not understand what the writer was trying to explain. I thought it would be a good idea to take some notes about the article, so that it would help me when i write me hyoptheses.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sept. 16

Today Chas, Joe, Jocelyn and I met with Diana. We brain stormed about what our research is mainly going to be about. We gathered information that we knew and discussed how it relates to our project. For example Diana mentioned to us about scientific research, how to come up with hypotheses, and theories that can help a hypotheses. She also mentioned how to collect data and analyzing them. Before going out and just interviewing people there are several concepts we need to learn in order to interview others. We first need to be trained to interview other people. So that when they ask us about what is it that we are doing we know exactly what to say instead of giving them false information.
Before ending the meeting we were given a task, which are finding at least six hypotheses for our project. We were e-mailed an article for us to read, explaining how to write surveys and how it has its limitation tools. When writing surveys it is also important to have it in English and the secondary language. Before meeting up with each other we planned to have our at least six hypotheses done and have already read the article.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sept. 15th

On the fifteen i read one of the articles. What the article was talking about was the health issues of our Pacific Islanders. What causes, the health., and how we can prevent it. From reading this article I have learned so much from it. I have family members who is going through some health issues and how they as well can prevent it from happening. By having the health issues from happening I've learned that eating more healthy food is important, and eating less fat. Although it might sound very small, eating too much fat causes obese which leads to death. Many people have died from obese and not taking care of their body. I figure the only way to prevent that from happening is being able to make that change and eating healthy everyday.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sept. 11

Today on the eleventh Jocelyn and I met with Joe to discuss about the project plan. Joe helped us out on how to start off with the survey and question list. Jocelyn and I had to come up with twenty questions having to relate to the health and personal life of the Marshallese community. For example, some of the questions were, what is it that they do for the Marshallese Community, do they drink or even do drugs, and do they attend community gatherings. We picked out ten youths ages 15-25 and adults, ages 26 and up to interview for our internship. We listed them by their, first and last names, affiliation, numbers, and e-mails. The reason we picked out these ten youths and ten adults is because Jocelyn and I believe they as well, will be a great aspect towards this project by giving us their answers and opinions.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


On this day Jos and I started writing or goal sheet. What we decided on to add to our goal sheet was ideas that came to mind. For example, we thought it would be a great idea because that way we have the youth giving us their perspective and how they feel about it. What we also added to the goal sheet was how this project can benefit the Marshallese  Community. By having it help the community Jos and I are also taking a stand. Letting the adults know how its hurting our younger generation and the nonsense is going no where. If the adults change their ways, i believe that the positive change will make a huge impact towards our generation.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sept. 7th

September 7th Jos and I discussed on what we should write on our internship goal. She and I brained stormed a little on what we to write about. What we both came up with was whats going on with our Marshallese Community, how it has affected the youth, and how should we solve it.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Starting Point

Today my partner Jocelyn and I discussed what our internship is going to be about with our presenters, Joe,Joey and Jay. For our internship we decided to work with the Marshallese Community, as in hoping we would have answers to why is it that the Marshallese Community churches are "separated". We all went out for lunch talking bout how we're going to make our idea work and have the community actually have the time to sit and listen our point of views. In order to make this happen Jocelyn and I planned to interview the youth and elders, have them tell us their perspective. By doing that, Jocelyn and I are going to take notes, video tape, and write down their quotes and use it for our presentation.